Slovenian law considers a situation where an offense is less serious than a crime to be a minor offence. In certain situations, minor offences liability can be applied in cases of hate speech.


In Slovenia, the Protection of Public Order Act establishes that minor offences of violent and bold behaviour, undignified behaviour, defacing an official inscription, mark or decision, writing on buildings or defacing national symbols if committed with the intent to incite national, racial, sexual, gender, ethnic, religious, political or sexual orientation intolerance, are to be punished more severly. Such offences are to be punished with a fine of at least 834,58 EUR. 

Read more about hate crimes and the differences between hate crimes and hate speech.

Read more about the right to a fair trial in minor offences proceedings.

Request for compensation during trial

You can request compensation from the perpetrator of the minor offence by lodging a civil claim, as set out in the Civil Procedure Act.

Read more about civil claims and civil liability.


Last updated 22/09/2023